Friday, January 28, 2011


Hi there one and all, not sure why we are blogging whilst we have no followers - BUT Maxi believes this message is Important.

YES...we are having a SALE.

We only have a SALE once a year and the time is now. The reason it has started a bit later than normal is because we have all been in "Holiday mode" still. I believe we are probably being about 30% as productive as we were before Christmas.

Our sales are genuine reductions to grab quality Earthenware and Sculptures at drastically lower prices. There is nothing wrong with the goods BUT if any of you saw our warehouse - you would understand why we need to have a sale.

Our Melbourne Warehouse is so full that we have had to rent another warehouse close by to handle the overflow...we really need to get rid of some stock.

Come and see us - and don't forget to buy something at the same time.

See you all soon.

P.s/ watched Bondi Vet tonight and learnt that the berries from the Lyriope Plant (very common in Melb & Sydney Gardens) is extremely dangerous for dogs when digested.

Please take care - of yourselves and your animals.